wRight Track Enterprises, Inc.

"Always Thinking..."

A History of Future

wRight Track Enterprises was founded in 1993 with the future in mind.  Business ideas develop, progress, mature, refine and change altogether sometimes, because that's the world.  Trends shift, technological advances are made and scheduled obsolescence has become a very accepted way of life. Wright Track was designed as an umbrella - a dynamic mother company to spin off business and product ideas when the time is right.  I didn't want to be pigeon-holed or rest comfortably in a single niche', but rather keep thinking about what people want and need in any and all areas - even if they don't know it yet!

For the reasons mentioned above, this web page will ALWAYS be "under constuction", because I never intend to stop thinking.  Every day as I go through the paces everyone does - in work and play - I'll be looking, watching..."always thinking".  If I see a problem that can be corrected, I'll try to correct it.  If there's a service desired or needed that doesn't exist, I'll try to create it.  If there's an easier or more convenient way to do this or that, I'll try to develop and market it.

Thanks for taking the time to read my rantings, and check back from time to time - this business will continue to expand.

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Copyright  ©  1993-     wRight Track Enterprises, Inc.    All rights reserved.